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  • Domestica (2000)
    1. The Casualty
    2. The Martyr
    3. Shallow Means, Deep Ends
    4. Making Friends And Acquaintances
    5. A Red So Deep
    6. The Lament of Pretty Baby
    7. The Game Of Who Needs Who The Worst
    8. The Radiator Hums
    9. The Night I Lost the Will To Fight

  • The Ugly Organ (2003)
    1. The Ugly Organist
    2. Some Red-Handed Sleight of Hand
    3. Art Is Hard
    4. The Recluse
    5. Herald! Frankenstein
    6. Butcher the Song
    7. Driftwood: A Fairy Tale
    8. A Gentleman Caller
    9. Harold Weathervein
    10. Bloody Murderer
    11. Sierra
    12. Staying Alive