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  • School of the Flower
    1. Eighth Cognition / All You've Left
    2. Words for Two
    3. Saint Cloud
    4. Procession of Cherry Blossom Spirits
    5. Home
    6. School of the Flower
    7. Thicker Than A Smokey
    8. Lisboa

  • The Sun Awakens (2006)
    1. Torn by Wolves
    2. Bless Your Blood
    3. Black Wall
    4. The Desert Is a Circle
    5. Attar
    6. Wolves' Pup
    7. River of Transfiguration

  • Shelter From The Ash (2007)
    1. Alone With The Alone
    2. Strangled Road
    3. Jade Like Wine
    4. Coming To Get You
    5. Goddess Atonement
    6. Final Wing
    7. Shelter From The Ash
    8. Goodnight